picassoA Saturday in the studio.  Unusual.  Not a day I normally have to paint.  This is the product of today’s endeavors.  I have a work table that I usually reserve for printmaking, but today I cleaned it off and made room for sketching and drawing.  Of course, I keep putting paint on top of my drawings, which makes them paintings I guess, but like I said, it’s important to keep the pressure off.  I’m using acid free book binding board to do this Picasso series and it’s great stuff.  It doesn’t buckle the way that normal cardstock or watercolor paper would.  once it dries, it lays down flat.  An admirable quality.

I have a show at the Well Street Art Company in January of 2010 and I thought some today about what might go into such a show.  The space is very large and open there with high ceilings, which has an impact on a number of elements…  scale, color… those kinds of things.  It’s now a little over a year away and I’m excited about having a new venue for my work.

I’ve managed to clean the studio pretty well and obviously, the drawings/paintings are helping me to think about possible new directions.  Though I have to say that I haven’t yet gotten around to that new playlist.  I’m still listening to my previous list only because I haven’t had the time to find new stuff.  The last 100 or so songs have been gifts from other people and I’m waiting on Katy’s mix that she promised me the night the Cubs lost their last game (not that I’m suggesting anything Katy…) and of course, Steve has some lovely new mixes up on Poplibrarian, but his latest theme is unrequited love and I don’t know if I want to wallow in that theme while I’m working.  It might add an unnecessary element of emo.  Sexy is always good however, and considering that I still owe Jill a Sexy CD, perhaps that’s the best plan.  Any way you slice it, novel sounds are needed.  The old sounds are haunted by ghosts and I scare pretty easy these days.